11 Powerful Mantras for a Happy Life.

11 Powerful Mantras for a Happy Life.

Everything in the universe has an energetic vibration, including the words it says. Words can be used to tell stories, to pray, and even to heal. Words have the power to be used to express profound truths and, when used through mantras, help to heal what is out of balance in our lives, bringing happiness, well-being, and happiness.

Mantras are short, inspirational, positive phrases that have a powerful healing vibration and have the power to release body, mind and soul from any tension. The word mantra translates as an instrument of the mind, because mantras have the ability to transform our thinking and alter the mental patterns and belief systems that are rooted in our subconscious.

Some ancient religions resort to the use of mantras, which must be repeated a certain number of times (if you think about it, prayers also work as mantras). It is through this orderly repetition that the energetic vibration of words can access the depths of our soul, where the keys of our life lie, our deep mental processes that make us attract or repel healing and happiness, choose and make decisions that determine our success.

For a mantra to work, you must repeat it several times a day, every day, in a focused and conscious manner.

Try repeating some of these 11 powerful mantras over 21 days (the time it takes our mind to root a new habit). Choose one mantra at a time, depending on what you need most in your life, and focus on it, or repeat several of these mantras in your daily life, integrating them into your own.

1 – I am loved and supported.
Say this mantra aloud three times in a row as soon as you wake up or whenever you feel the need. As you recite it, hug yourself with strength and affection.

2 – This too will pass.
Repeat this mantra seven times in a row, out loud or just to yourself, whenever you experience painful emotions or are facing a difficult situation in your life.

3 – I surrender my concerns to the Universe.
Say this mantra three times in a row whenever you need it. Visualize yourself in the cloak of problems that weigh on your shoulders and hand it over to the Universe to take care of you.

4 –I choose to feel good about myself every day.
Repeat this mantra three times in a row while looking in the mirror.

5 – I’m exactly where I have to be.
Say this mantra three times in a row when you are in doubt or when you feel insecure and confused about your life.

6 – I free myself from the past and forgive myself.
Say this mantra five times in a row with your hands over your heart.

7 β€œEverything I need to heal is inside me.”
Repeat five times out loud when you are going through a delicate situation or when you are not feeling well.

8 – Things are always going in my favor.
Repeat three times in a row whenever you feel the need.

9 – I am creating the life I want to live.
Recite this mantra six times in a row.

10 – I am guided in the right way.
Repeat three times in a row, hands in prayer position.

11 – I use love to make all the decisions in my life.
Use this mantra to finish your daily prayers and meditations. Inhale and exhale deeply three or four times in a row. Then, with your right hand over your heart, mentally repeat this mantra eleven times. Take three or four deep breaths again

Blessed be


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More about MANTRAS FOR A HAPPY LIFE can be explored on following websites

11 Powerful Mantras to Create Love & Happiness

11 Simple Mantras for Everyday Happiness